Forms are hard copy only and not provided digitally. All sales on single forms are final.

Advisory language has been taken out of the form and placed into the Wildfire Disaster Advisory (WFDA). More explicit language added to paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 to indicate that completing the applicable portions of the form is not required if the statutory conditions are not met. Fire hardening seller disclosure questions about the property’s vulnerability to wildfires have been reformatted to follow the TDS/SPQ “Are you aware …” format. Defensible space section adds a new paragraph (3A) to determine if property is in a local defensible space jurisdiction, which is the prerequisite question necessary to properly complete the balance of the form. Paragraph 3B was added for the seller to disclose the seller’s current state of knowledge about compliance with defensible space requirements. Each All of the subparagraph headings in paragraph 3C make it easier to assess whether the buyer or seller is going to be responsible for bringing property into compliance with state or local law, and whether or not a local ordinance applies to the property. A separate decision tree chart has been created to help users complete this statutorily complicated requirement.

Revised June 2022

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